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We Design and Install Awnings in Fox Valley and Chicagoland, IL

Aubrey Sign Co. specializes in designing, manufacturing, and installing high-quality awnings. Throughout Fox Valley and Chicagoland, we have delivered outstanding work to our customers. We can handle custom jobs, and we easily adjust to our clients’ expectations. A high-quality canopy, awning, or enclosure can go a long way toward improving your business’ reputation. In addition to providing cover from the weather elements, it can help draw patrons to your retail shop or restaurant. We have provided our brand of custom awning and canopy design since 2001, and we are excited to show you what we can do.

A corner view of the commercial signage canopies at the Chicago History Museum

The Undeniable Benefits of Investing in an Awning

Our team understands the struggles business owners face. We also know how to improve some of those troubles. One of the ways we help is by designing, building, and installing awnings and canopies. They are perfect for a range of businesses and make everything from industrial facilities to restaurants look and function better. Most importantly, we know how to address our customers’ concerns and deliver on our promises. There are many benefits associated with improving your business’ entryway with a canopy or awning, including:

  • They conserve energy and prevent carpet and furniture from fading
  • They provide excellent opportunities for advertising and branding
  • They are multifaceted and complement your existing architecture
  • They distinguish your building from the competition
  • They can offer diners additional outdoor seating opportunities
  • They provide shelter from weather elements

Providing Awnings and Beyond Since 2001

Over the years, we have learned how to apply our skills in custom awning design. And our customers have returned to us for other needs, too. We aim to provide our clients with everything they need to entice customers to patronize their stores. Once we have installed an awning on your property, we can find new ways to remake your business. For instance, we can fabricate interior and exterior signs, illuminated signs, and even vehicle graphics. Whether you only require an awning or you’re looking to redo your brand, we can help.

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